All You Need Is Love

All You Need Is Love

As we explore this Game of being humans in 3D space-time, it becomes pretty apparent that most of us would rather feel “good” than “bad”. There is an inherent “rightness” to the feelings of peace, hope, joy and love, and anything less than these feels “wrong” to us, so much so that I would make the argument that the primary reason we do anything in our lives is to achieve a better-feeling emotional state. We decide we want something based on the feeling we think we will have once we achieve that thing, and the feeling we think we will have is usually a more positive one than we are feeling at present. Regardless of what methods we use to play the Game of Life, we are fundamentally seekers of Joy. “Good” feelings are satisfying to us, like we have somehow come “home” when we feel them.

In my experience playing the Game, I have found (amazingly) that very few humans stop to think about why this is, even though the seeking of a better feeling seems to motivate nearly every action we take. This thing that seems to fuel the entire Game is taken for granted, like it’s simply a big “DUH” that we should seek Love and Joy over anger and despair, but why is Love the home-state? Why does Happiness feel so natural to us, to the point that we throw fits if it isn’t present, and why are we willing to do almost anything if it means we can get it?
