The Law of Attraction: Two Approaches

The Law of Attraction: Two Approaches

In my last post, I talked about the holographic nature of reality, and in previous posts I have also addressed the fact that there are an infinite number of universes, each with its own unique set of attributes. Our universe is only one of these, and to make matters even more mind-boggling, there are an infinite number of different versions of our own universe that vary from one another based on an immense probability tree that includes every possible outcome in our universe from its inception. For instance: somewhere in Creation there’s a version of our universe where you had something different for breakfast this morning, and somewhere, there’s a version of our universe where reptiles, not mammals, evolved to become self-aware, and we all have scales and tails! 🙂 The tiniest difference in probable outcomes can grow into a radical difference between parallel universes, and because the possibilities are infinite, we must assume that anything we can imagine and more exists somewhere, somewhen.