Happy Birthday to Me! To celebrate, I have started this website and blog in order to share my unique perspective on All That Is and to radiate my Shinyness into the world. I have also ventured onto Facebook and Twitter for the first time. As things move forward, I’ll be adding Facebook and other social media links to ShinyAllTheTime.com. This is a day for new beginnings, and we’ll see where this path of inspiration leads me.

Today I experienced several timestamp synchronicities, I received some unexpected flowers, and I enjoyed admiring them at an adorable cafe here in sunny Santa Monica.

I have so many things in my life to be grateful for and I can’t wait to see what the rest of 2013 will be like!

Today’s TimeStamp Synchronicities

2013-02-16 TimeStamp Synchronicities

(Also saw 2:22pm during a charming conversation with a man at the cafe, but didn’t get an image!)