In The Beginning…
…There was The One, and The One had a thought. It was the first thought, and that thought was, “I Am.”
This thought rippled out from its zero-point origin, expanding and gaining complexity, giving birth to All That Is, which encompasses all of Creation in all its many Aspects. Since All That Is is infinite, and The Infinite wishes to know Itself, It has devised infinite ways to observe and experience Itself from all possible perspectives.
You and I are each one of those possible perspectives. Our Source is The One, The Infinite, which is omniscient, omnipotent, and constantly vibrating in a timeless state of Ultimate Bliss. From The One, we, The Many, have come forth into this time-space reality to experience All That Is from our own vitally unique subjective viewpoints. We are each sovereign and separate, yet part of an infinite whole. We each represent one manifestation in one probability stream within a holographic matrix of infinite possibilities, probabilities and perspectives that make up the ever-expanding totality of All That Is.
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