The Universe Speaks Through Synchronicity
As I mentioned in a previous post, some time in early to mid 2011, I began seeing number and timestamp synchronicities, primarily 11:11, followed closely in frequency by 3:33, with other aligned numbers less often, but still frequently enough so that a pattern emerged. At that time I had no idea there were other humans on Planet Earth who had been experiencing the same kinds of “coincidences”. But a cursory search online revealed that not only was I not alone, but many, many others were finding themselves connecting with groups of matching numbers: 111, 222, 333, etc.
Overwhelmingly the most common number sequence being documented was the mysterious and pervasive “11:11“. The ubiquitousness of this particular synchronicity was mind-boggling, and every time I experienced it, it gave me a little thrill, like I’d secretly been initiated into some Cosmic “in-club”, or psychically “leveled up” in some fashion.
The first time 11:11 and I were formally introduced was on the Playa in Black Rock City, Nevada. It was 2010, my first year at Burning Man, and during a nighttime excursion, I encountered the 11:11 Monument. This monolithic piece of art by Robert Wethington and Erik Christensen was situated in an area called Deep Playa at 11:11 on the metaphoric clock face which serves as the layout for Black Rock City.
11:11 was a deceptively simple-looking but large and powerful structure, imposing and dark. It was between 15 and 20 feet tall and made of welded steel, pierced in places with cutouts, some of them glyph-like images, and some of them small “11:11’s”. At night, this behemoth was lit from within and would shoot four beams of intense light up into the sky out of the tops of the 11’s. As you approached the structure from across the Playa, it seemed silent and brooding, but once you got close enough, you could hear the transcendent notes of Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of The Moon playing from inside. Out in the relative calm of Deep Playa, (in contrast to the maelstrom of light and sound that is The City) the liminal quality of the space around 11:11 was calm, serene, and mesmerizing. If not for the cold, I would have stayed in that magic and meditated. But instead I traveled on, nodding my acknowledgment to 11:11’s creators and to The Creator. This was one of many moments of wonder I experienced that year in the Nevada desert.
At that time, I did not know that number synchronicities were going to be part of my life. Since then I have learned that many believe 11:11 to be a Cosmic Gateway to a shift in one’s reality. I passed through that gateway, and my experience has not been the same since.
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