by Izobel Freeman | May 13, 2013 | Cosmology, Law of Attraction, Lessons, The Game, The One
In my last post, I talked about the holographic nature of reality, and in previous posts I have also addressed the fact that there are an infinite number of universes, each with its own unique set of attributes. Our universe is only one of these, and to make matters even more mind-boggling, there are an infinite number of different versions of our own universe that vary from one another based on an immense probability tree that includes every possible outcome in our universe from its inception. For instance: somewhere in Creation there’s a version of our universe where you had something different for breakfast this morning, and somewhere, there’s a version of our universe where reptiles, not mammals, evolved to become self-aware, and we all have scales and tails! 🙂 The tiniest difference in probable outcomes can grow into a radical difference between parallel universes, and because the possibilities are infinite, we must assume that anything we can imagine and more exists somewhere, somewhen.
by Izobel Freeman | Apr 12, 2013 | Cosmology, Lessons, Love, The Game, The One
As we explore this Game of being humans in 3D space-time, it becomes pretty apparent that most of us would rather feel “good” than “bad”. There is an inherent “rightness” to the feelings of peace, hope, joy and love, and anything less than these feels “wrong” to us, so much so that I would make the argument that the primary reason we do anything in our lives is to achieve a better-feeling emotional state. We decide we want something based on the feeling we think we will have once we achieve that thing, and the feeling we think we will have is usually a more positive one than we are feeling at present. Regardless of what methods we use to play the Game of Life, we are fundamentally seekers of Joy. “Good” feelings are satisfying to us, like we have somehow come “home” when we feel them.
In my experience playing the Game, I have found (amazingly) that very few humans stop to think about why this is, even though the seeking of a better feeling seems to motivate nearly every action we take. This thing that seems to fuel the entire Game is taken for granted, like it’s simply a big “DUH” that we should seek Love and Joy over anger and despair, but why is Love the home-state? Why does Happiness feel so natural to us, to the point that we throw fits if it isn’t present, and why are we willing to do almost anything if it means we can get it?
by Izobel Freeman | Mar 26, 2013 | Belief Buffet, Cosmology, Law of Attraction, Lessons, Love, The Game, The One
When The One (Source, God, Love) had the first thought: “I Am”, it exploded into an Infinite field of Manifestation commonly referred to as Creation, or All That Is. Within the Omniverse of All That Is are contained every possibility, probability, and actuality. This means that every Aspect of Creation is explored to the extent that it can be explored into Infinity, and that everything we imagine and more must exist somewhere, somehow, somewhen. There are endless parallel “realities”, universes, streams of probability and time; many of these operate under far different sets of rules than those that govern our current “reality”.
This thought can be mind-boggling, terrifying, or exhilarating depending on what it means to you. As humans here in this particular 3D time-space Game, most of us are operating with our psyches constrained by an Ego Construct which does not allow us to fully comprehend the Infinite. Attempting to do so can cause the Ego to become overwhelmed or to react with fear. When this happens, it behooves us to soothe our poor Ego, remove the pressure of trying to understand Infinity, and to instead let the concept sit gently in our Heart, which is actually a much more powerful information Processor than our Ego. (More on this in future posts!) This being said, the nature of Absolute Reality is Infinite, and does contain ALL THAT IS, or All That Could Be.
by Izobel Freeman | Mar 8, 2013 | Belief Buffet, Cosmology, Law of Attraction, Lessons, The Game, The One
Awareness of the Law of Attraction has risen significantly since the 2006 publication of The Secret
. The idea that one’s thoughts create one’s reality is not new. It is an ancient concept that was revered by alchemists and gained popularity in the later 1800’s with the advent of the New Thought movement, and it has continued to exert influence through the teachings of spiritual mentors, New Age practitioners and Personal Achievement gurus. The widespread success of The Secret
brought the Law of Attraction to a mainstream audience, and since then, many more humans have been playing The Game with an increased awareness of the role of their thoughts in the creation of their personal experience.
Further study of The Secret
reveals it to be largely based on Hermetic principles found in the The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus
and its 1900’s successor, The Kybalion
, in addition to other books written by New Thought teachers in the 20th century. The Secret
also owes much of its content to the work of Esther Hicks
, a channel for a group of nonphysical entities known as Abraham
. Esther and her husband Jerry have spent decades documenting Abraham’s teachings about the Law of Attraction and the Nature of Reality as we know it, and Esther continues to channel for Abraham today. The earliest version of The Secret on DVD
features Esther channeling Abraham, giving a simplified explanation of how to use one’s thoughts and emotions to evoke the life experience one desires from The Universe.
The Secret
is a wonderful and uplifting introduction to Conscious Creation, and I highly recommend it, (especially the original version on DVD
if possible) for anyone who is curious about learning to manifest their desires into their life experience. However, if one truly wants to master the art of manifesting and to consistently live life in Joy, one needs to go beyond the simple mechanics of positive thinking and learn how this 3D Game is actually set up. Knowing the rules of The Game and how it is structured can give you that extra push towards mastery, and at the same time help cement the deep and abiding sense of Worthiness you need to exist in Joy.
by Izobel Freeman | Feb 26, 2013 | Cosmology, Lessons, Number Synchronicities, Synchronicities, The One, TimeStamp Synchronicities, Universe Talking
As I mentioned in a previous post, some time in early to mid 2011, I began seeing number and timestamp synchronicities, primarily 11:11, followed closely in frequency by 3:33, with other aligned numbers less often, but still frequently enough so that a pattern emerged. At that time I had no idea there were other humans on Planet Earth who had been experiencing the same kinds of “coincidences”. But a cursory search online revealed that not only was I not alone, but many, many others were finding themselves connecting with groups of matching numbers: 111, 222, 333, etc.
Overwhelmingly the most common number sequence being documented was the mysterious and pervasive “11:11“. The ubiquitousness of this particular synchronicity was mind-boggling, and every time I experienced it, it gave me a little thrill, like I’d secretly been initiated into some Cosmic “in-club”, or psychically “leveled up” in some fashion.
The first time 11:11 and I were formally introduced was on the Playa in Black Rock City, Nevada. It was 2010, my first year at Burning Man, and during a nighttime excursion, I encountered the 11:11 Monument. This monolithic piece of art by Robert Wethington and Erik Christensen was situated in an area called Deep Playa at 11:11 on the metaphoric clock face which serves as the layout for Black Rock City.
11:11 was a deceptively simple-looking but large and powerful structure, imposing and dark. It was between 15 and 20 feet tall and made of welded steel, pierced in places with cutouts, some of them glyph-like images, and some of them small “11:11’s”. At night, this behemoth was lit from within and would shoot four beams of intense light up into the sky out of the tops of the 11’s. As you approached the structure from across the Playa, it seemed silent and brooding, but once you got close enough, you could hear the transcendent notes of Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of The Moon playing from inside. Out in the relative calm of Deep Playa, (in contrast to the maelstrom of light and sound that is The City) the liminal quality of the space around 11:11 was calm, serene, and mesmerizing. If not for the cold, I would have stayed in that magic and meditated. But instead I traveled on, nodding my acknowledgment to 11:11’s creators and to The Creator. This was one of many moments of wonder I experienced that year in the Nevada desert.
At that time, I did not know that number synchronicities were going to be part of my life. Since then I have learned that many believe 11:11 to be a Cosmic Gateway to a shift in one’s reality. I passed through that gateway, and my experience has not been the same since.
by Izobel Freeman | Feb 20, 2013 | Cosmology, Lessons, Love, Number Synchronicities, The Game, The One, TimeStamp Synchronicities
I received the answer to this question during a mystical experience on November 11th, 2011. For several months, I had been “followed around” by repeating number patterns. I would look at my phone at precisely 11:11, or 2:22, or 4:44, etc. I would get the impulse to look up just as I drove by a house or building numbered 1111 or 2222. I would email someone or receive an email at 5:55, or 10:10. I would show up to appointments or someone would meet me at 12:12, etc. I would stop reading or turn precisely to page 333. It was happening so often I couldn’t ignore it.
I searched online and found out I was not alone. This pattern was being experienced by others, and many were calling it the “11:11 phenomenon“. 11:11 was by far the most common number pattern I was seeing, followed closely by 1:11 and 3:33.
These numbers were very significant to me, as the date of 11-11-11 was approaching.
11 + 11 + 11 = 33. Christ was supposed to have performed 33 miracles and to have had his death experience at age 33. At the time I was doing some research on Freemasonry for a graphic novel I was writing, and I had learned about the 33rd Degree Scottish Rite, and it being said that “all is revealed” at the 33rd level.
In 2011, I was 33 years old.
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