Everything Is Perfect

Everything Is Perfect

When The One (Source, God, Love) had the first thought: “I Am”, it exploded into an Infinite field of Manifestation commonly referred to as Creation, or All That Is. Within the Omniverse of All That Is are contained every possibility, probability, and actuality. This means that every Aspect of Creation is explored to the extent that it can be explored into Infinity, and that everything we imagine and more must exist somewhere, somehow, somewhen. There are endless parallel “realities”, universes, streams of probability and time; many of these operate under far different sets of rules than those that govern our current “reality”.

This thought can be mind-boggling, terrifying, or exhilarating depending on what it means to you. As humans here in this particular 3D time-space Game, most of us are operating with our psyches constrained by an Ego Construct which does not allow us to fully comprehend the Infinite. Attempting to do so can cause the Ego to become overwhelmed or to react with fear. When this happens, it behooves us to soothe our poor Ego, remove the pressure of trying to understand Infinity, and to instead let the concept sit gently in our Heart, which is actually a much more powerful information Processor than our Ego. (More on this in future posts!) This being said, the nature of Absolute Reality is Infinite, and does contain ALL THAT IS, or All That Could Be.